Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dealing with Japan

Have you seen whale wars? Did you know that Japan's child custody law is keeping the mothers and fathers of children of many children from seeing them? Please do a Google on it, you will be shocked, and you will have more reasons than the needless slaughter of the worlds whales to not do business with Japan.

NO NEED! Spend your money at home.

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Tuesday, September 22, 2009


An Antebellum era (pre-civil war) family Bible...Image via Wikipedia

1. To bring under control; conquer.

The Bible says, "A borrower is a slave to the lender".

In some purchases, a home, a business and even transportation, it seems unavoidable to have to take advantage of available lines of credit. And, we must all admit, we love to have more than we could in most cases afford.

Have you ever had a boss tell you to go and buy something expensive? Know why he said that? Sure! He knows that once you owe on something, he can control you. Want a day off now? HA! You are working ALL the holidays, why? Cause HE owns you and all because of something you DO NOT own!

Not to mention...no matter what you have paid down or how much you have paid into something, miss a payment or two....and they can and will take it.

It is also being used to Subjugate whole nations....

I think Honda is one of the worst at abusing their hosts and customers. Google them...I am not alone here.

Advise for all of us, live within our means, and if we MUST have something...buy American AND pay cash!!!!

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Monday, September 21, 2009

Premeir One Credit Help opens in Jacksonville Florida, serving worldwide secondary lender market.

People who have credit problems should call us now and if they need help with a short sale they should.

Want to get the word out? Try these links..

Image representing New York Times as depicted ...Image via CrunchBase

Some of them are now dead, seems they lost their jobs as well.

And guess what, wanna bet Honda took some of their cars as well! Do you think Honda or any of the other non American groups offered them jobs?

PEOPLE Magazine –
martha_nelson@peoplemag.com ;larry_hackett@peoplemag.com ; susan_kaufman@peoplemag.com ; elvis_lizardo@peoplemag.com ; cynthia_wang@peoplemag.com ; chuck_arnold@peoplemag.com ; jess_cagle@peoplemag.com ; julie_dam@peoplemag.com ; kim_hubbard@peoplemag.com ; nancy_jeffrey@peoplemag.com ; patrick_rogers@peoplemag.com ; michelle_tauber@peoplemag.com ; cynthia_sanz@peoplemag.com ; susan_kaufman@peoplemag.com ; larry_sutton@peoplemag.com

editorial@nytimes.com ; thecity@nytimes.com ; nytnews@nytimes.com ; publisher@nytimes.com ; executive-editor@nytimes.com ; thurm@nytimes.com ; rrharris@nytimes.com ; asktheeditors@nytimes.com ; david@nytimes.com ; taubman@nytimes.com ; sgfreedman@nytimes.com ; strum@nytimes.com ; nickfox@nytimes.com ; rocohen@nytimes.com ; tbodkin@nytimes.com ; rbonner@nytimes.com ; krobe@nytimes.com ; karinr@nytimes.com ; public@nytimes.com ; rdonadio@nytimes.com ; dakirk@nytimes.com ; mossm@nytimes.com ; pekilb@nytimes.com ; lewin@nytimes.com ; andyr@nytimes.com ; apcar@nytimes.com ; collins@nytimes.com ; goldbehr@nytimes.com ; barbanel@nytimes.com ; abramson@nytimes.com ; dachen@nytimes.com ; ancron@nytimes.com ; suedge@nytimes.com ; haberman@nytimes.com ; djehl@nytimes.com ;joland@nytimes.com ; lee@nytimes.com ; redburn@nytimes.com ; jrisen@nytimes.com ; safire@nytimes.com ; weinraub@nytimes.com ; winfield@nytimes.com ; dabarry@nytimes.com ; barstow@nytimes.com ; plambeck@nytimes.com ; bronnere@nytimes.com ; daley@nytimes.com ; dicke@nytimes.com ; drew@nytimes.com ; eckholm@nytimes.com ; nrklein@nytimes.com ; cheryl@nytimes.com ; elichtblau@nytimes.com ; lyman@nytimes.com ; murphyd@nytimes.com ; pogrebin@nytimes.com ; dmc@nytimes.com ; peterp@nytimes.com ; jrog@nytimes.com ; soto@nytimes.com ; hevero@nytimes.com ; sewell@nytimes.com ; dewan@nytimes.com ; dwyer@nytimes.com ; glabe@nytimes.com ; dagonz@nytimes.com ; gross@nytimes.com ; mickey@nytimes.com ; elharris@nytimes.com ; andergb@nytimes.com ; gaynebl@nytimes.com ; hilchey@nytimes.com ; mcnulaj@nytimes.com ; lmpaul@nytimes.com ; forsberg@nytimes.com ; kolson@nytimes.com ; vtoy@nytimes.com ; rickf@nytimes.com ; overbye@nytimes.com ; bouton@nytimes.com ; oconnor@nytimes.com ; tierney@nytimes.com ;
belson@nytimes.com ; sack@nytimes.com ; leslie@nytimes.com ; colanrj@nytimes.com ; millea@nytimes.com ; kingson@nytimes.com ; jpfreire@nytimes.com ; pcw@flyzone.com ; pogue@nytimes.com ; hafner@nytimes.com

kmallen@usatoday.com ; dbarrington@usatoday.com ; sberkowi@usatoday.com ; lblas@usatoday.com ; rbrooks@usatoday.com ; jhenderson@usatoday.com ; dcauchon@usatoday.com ; sjayson@usatoday.com ; wkoch@usatoday.com ; mpilon@usatoday.com ; dleinwand@usatoday.com ; helnasse@usatoday.com ; jodonnell@usatoday.com ; helnasse@usatoday.com ; gstoller@usatoday.com ; gstrauss@usatoday.com ;
bnichols@usatoday.com ; gfarrell@usatoday.com ; jritter@usatoday.com ; cjones@usatoday.com ; lmiller@usatoday.com ; sweiss@usatoday.com ; dcarrig@usatoday.com ; mmoore@usatoday.com ;
jhopkins@usatoday.com ; eiwata@usatoday.com ; mpuente@usatoday.com ; asama@usatoday.com ; kwillis@usatoday.com ; cwilson@usatoday.com ; gzoroya@usatoday.com

# rlw.momon 10 Dec 2008 at 4:40 pm
Here are a few more media lists, including Oprah. Let’s start writing…

voicers@edit.nydailynews.com ; mzuckerman@usnews.com ; mzuckerman@edit.nydailynews.com ; tpeck@edit.nydailynews.com ; mdunn@edit.nydailynews.com ; iellenthal@edit.nydailynews.com ; wboyle@edit.nydailynews.com ; abrowne@edit.nydailynews.com ;
jstella@edit.nydailynews.com ; hevans@edit.nydailynews.com ; aconnors@edit.nydailynews.com ; ajones@edit.nydailynews.com ; dng@nydailynews.com ; jharney@nydailynews.com ; sandsphotony@aol.com ; ohealy@nydailynews.com ; smarques@nydailynews.com ; rmassi@nydailynews.com ; swenger@nydailynews.com ; rgivens@edit.nydailynews.com ; jwasserman@edit.nydailynews.com ; esacks@nydailynews.com ; tsullivan@edit.nydailynews.com ; bayvazian@edit.nydailynews.com ; joswald@edit.nydailynews.com ; jmelanson@edit.nydailynews.com ; alisberg@nydailynews.com ; anichols@nydailynews.com ; wegbert@nydailynews.com ; dblock@nydailynews.com ; ehays@nydailynews.com ; jsederstrom@nydailynews.com ; klucadamo@nydailynews.com ; kdanis@nydailynews.com ; lcolangelo@nydailynews.com ; nkatz@nydailynews.com ; nbode@nydailynews.com ; oyaniv@nydailynews.com ; pfurman@nydailynews.com ; whutchinson@nydailynews.com ; markellwood@gmail.com ; csiemaszko@nydailynews.com ; hevans@nydailynews.com ; tconnor@nydailynews.com ; vbelenkaya@nydailynews.com ; lcalandra@edit.nydailynews.com ; lcarter@edit.nydailynews.com ; mdaly@edit.nydailynews.com ; mgoodwin@edit.nydailynews.com ; bwiddicombe@edit.nydailynews.com ; aruiz@edit.nydailynews.com ; dhamill@edit.nydailynews.com ; rsapio@edit.nydailynews.com ; ckinon@nydailynews.com ; phuguenin@nydailynews.com ; jmccallister@edit.nydailynews.com ; crichardson@edit.nydailynews.com ; jfarber@edit.nydailynews.com ; rhuff@edit.nydailynews.com ; hkissel@edit.nydailynews.com ; jmathews@edit.nydailynews.com ; jgonzalez@edit.nydailynews.com ; sevans@nydailynews.com ; rushmolloy@edit.nydailynews.com ; rosecolumn@aol.com ; rzc@att.net

letters@nypost.com ; jangelo@nypost.com ; mcmanus@nypost.com ; kkelly@nypost.com ; churt@nypost.com ; pmcpolin@nypost.com ; isaac.guzman@nypost.com ; kpushkar@nypost.com ; mdawson@nypost.com ; angela.montefinise@nypost.com ; afenner@nypost.com ; brian.garrity@nypost.com ; dlo@nypost.com ; dareh.gregorian@nypost.com ; elizabeth.wolff@nypost.com ; erika.martinez@nypost.com ; gotis@nypost.com ; hasani.gittens@nypost.com ; hsanders@nypost.com ; ikimulisa.livingston@nypost.com ; jamie.schram@nypost.com ; jeane.macintosh@nypost.com ; jennifer.fermino@nypost.com ; kate.sheehy@nypost.com ; maggie.haberman@nypost.com ; marianne.garvey@nypost.com ; maureen.callahan@nypost.com ; rich.calder@nypost.com ; susan.edelman@nypost.com ; barbara.hoffman@nypost.com; erinmcalabrese@gmail.com ; marymhuhn@nypost.com ; cshaw@nypost.com ; mriedel@nypost.com ; david.seifman@nypost.com ; linda.stasi@nypost.com ; dkaplan@nypost.com ;
dmangan@nypost.com ;

letters@newsday.com ; timothy.knight@newsday.com ; john.mancini@newsday.com ; debby.krenek@newsday.com ; jack.sirica@newsday.com ; noel.rubinton@newsday.com ; gill@newsday.com ; steve.wick@newsday.com ; tim.healy@newsday.com ; cliff.schechtman@newsday.com ; craig.gordon@newsday.com ; karen.bailis@newsday.com ; doug.wolfson@newsday.com ; tim.drachlis@newsday.com ; rciolli@newsday.com ; barbara.schuler@newsday.com ; sylvia.king-cohen@newsday.com ; kevin.amorim@newsday.com ; adam.abramson@newsday.com ; andrew.strickler@newsday.com ; ann.givens@newsday.com ; bart.jones@newsday.com ; bill.bleyer@newsday.com ; carl.macgowan@newsday.com ; carrie.draffen@newsday.com ; chau.lam@newsday.com ; christina.hernandez@newsday.com ; christine.armario@gmail.com ; corris.little@newsday.com ;
dan.janison@newsday.com ; david.lopez@newsday.com ; deborah.morris@newsday.com ; erik.german@newsday.com ; jennifer.barrios@newsday.com ; jennifer.kelleher@newsday.com ; jennifer.smith@newsday.com ; john.riley@newsday.com ; judith.bernstein@newsday.com: larry.striegel@newsday.com ; laura.mann@newsday.com ; laura.rivera@newsday.com ; rhoda.amon@newsday.com ; tbrune@newsday.com ; carol.bennett@newsday.com ;
kathleen.kerr@newsday.com ; rick.brand@newsday.com ; howard.schneider@newsday.com ; steve.parks@newsday.com

jadams@harpo.com ; haldridge@harpo.com ; acraig@harpo.com ; lerspamer@harpo.com ; rdotch@harpo.com ; tgoulder@harpo.com ; lhalliday@harpo.com ; jkelley@harpo.com ; jkostelnik@harpo.com ; lminor@harpo.com ; jmori@harpo.com ; lmorin@harpo.com ; erakieten@harpo.com ; hseitler@harpo.com ; esermeus@harpo.com ; awishom@harpo.com

# Mom25on 11 Dec 2008 at 4:42 pm

These were GOOD addresses for me:


The Early Show & others from CBS

Good Morning America & others from ABC

Today Show & others from NBC

Family Circle Magazine

Newsweek Magazine
david.kaplan@newsweek.com (LEGAL / COURTS)
rod.nordland@newsweek.com (International/foreign)

NEWSWEEK INTERNATIONAL Magazine - The international version of the magazine targeting an upscale audience interested in global issues. Total circulation, including the foreign-language versions, exceeds 1.1 million

O, the Oprah Magazine
wlfuller@gmail.com (Former O’ writer)

Parents Magazine
Here are some moree-mail lists… of national media:

NY TIMES - More e-mail addresses found… again, the NY Times SHOULD cover David’s story!
barron@nytimes.com ; nytnews@nytimes.com ; jberger@nytimes.com ; cuddy@nytimes.com ; bernard@nytimes.com ; dmc@nytimes.com ; damienc@nytimes.com ; dubner@nytimes.com ; dugger@nytimes.com ; patcohen@nytimes.com ; copage@nytimes.com ; gross@nytimes.com ; haberman@nytimes.com ; kaminer@nytimes.com ; lyall@nytimes.com ; leslie@nytimes.com ; amy@nytimes.com ; amh@nytimes.com ; joland@nytimes.com ; rich@nytimes.com ; nottle@nytimes.com ; jsharkey@nytimes.com ; lyrich@nytimes.com ; carobe@nytimes.com ; peterp@nytimes.com ; timrace@nytimes.com ; sabrinat@nytimes.com ; walker@nytimes.com ; graeber@nytimes.com ; woletz@nytimes.com ; zernike@nytimes.com ; mhale@nytimes.com ; michkrebs@aol.com ;

USA TODAY- More e-mail address found… USA Today SHOULD cover this story too!
editor@usatoday.com ; theforum@usatoday.com ; cmoon@usatoday.com ; jwebber@usatoday.com ; jhillkirk@usatoday.com ; spage@usatoday.com ; kpaulson@usatoday.com ; gnishimura@usatoday.com ; cstevens@usatoday.com ; bgallagher@usatoday.com ; mmemmott@usatoday.com ; cstraight@usatoday.com ; jbiskupic@usatoday.com ; ghager@usatoday.com ; kjohnson@usatoday.com ; kkiely@usatoday.com ; rwolf@usatoday.com ; rbrooks@usatoday.com ; rrobinso@usatoday.com ; gtucker@usatoday.com ; jpalmisano@usatoday.com ; cstraight@usatoday.com ; kkirkhart@usatoday.com ; wmatheson@usatoday.com ;
ppruitt@usatoday.com ; mbambach@usatoday.com ; tmcquay@usatoday.com ; sbrandon@usatoday.com

countdown@msnbc.com ; hardball@msnbc.com ; meghan.schaefer@msnbc.com ; izzy.povich@msnbc.com ; andrea.hamilton@msnbc.com ; craig.staats@msnbc.com ; kari.huus@msnbc.com ; tom.bowman@msnbc.com ; chris.jansing@msnbc.com ; amy.robach@msnbc.com ; contessa.brewer@msnbc.com ; mel.weidner@msnbc.com ; cynthia.antoniak@msnbc.com ; tom.busby@nbc.com ; stefanie.cargill@msnbc.com ;
alison.hawley@msnbc.com ; nick.kovijanic@msnbc.com ; sandra.lilley@msnbc.com ; tracey.lyons@nbc.com ; richard.stockwell@msnbc.com ;
susan.sullivan@msnbc.com ; essa.yip@msnbc.com

tcurley@ap.org ; msilverman@ap.org ; kcarroll@ap.org ; ngoldstein@ap.org ; ltolin@ap.org ; rfournier@ap.org ; bdesilva@ap.org ; ebell@ap.org ; bbarton@ap.org ; mcidoni@ap.org ; mgraczyk@ap.org ; mwarren@ap.org ; whindes@ap.org ; wlevinson@ap.org ; tanthony@ap.org ; cfeldman@ap.org ; afram@ap.org ; dhastings@ap.org ; alevin@ap.org ; tlewan@ap.org ; jnoveck@ap.org ; jschwartz@ap.org ; csullivan@ap.org ; rtanner@ap.org ; ntrott@ap.org ; npickler@ap.org ; thunt@ap.org ; mirvine@ap.org ; jwashington@ap.org ; yblackman@ap.org ; parrillaga@ap.org ; ccarter@ap.org ; jhenry@ap.org ; jdonn@ap.org ; mmendoza@ap.org

editor@reuters.com ; david.schlesinger@thomsonreuters.com ; betty.wong@thomsonreuters.com ; peter.kaplan@thomsonreuters.com ; daniel.grebler@thomsonreuters.com ; david.storey@thomsonreuters.com ; dick.satran@thomsonreuters.com ; emily.church@thomsonreuters.com; gary.crosse@thomsonreuters.com ; james.dalgleish@reuters.com ; jan.paschal@thomsonreuters.com ; john.clarke@thomsonreuters.com ; leslie.adler@thomsonreuters.com ; maureen.bavdek@thomsonreuters.com ; megan.davies@thomsonreuters.com ; patrick.fitzgibbons@thomsonreuters.com ;
robert.ciemniak@thomsonreuters.com ; john.clarke@thomsonreuters.com ; frank.mcgurty@thomsonreuters.com ; deborah.zabarenko@thomsonreuters.com ;
sonya.hepinstall@thomsonreuters.com ; herb.lash@thomsonreuters.com ; angela.moore@thomsonreuters.com ; adam.entous@thomsonreuters.com ;
duncan.martell@thomsonreuters.com ; gina.keating@thomsonreuters.com ; jan.skopecek@thomsonreuters.com ; todd.eastham@reuters.com ; stella.dawson@reuters.com ; arshad.mohammed@reuters.com ; randall.mikkelsen@reuters.com ; steve.holland@reuters.com ; john.whitesides@reuters.com ; paul.eckert@reuters.com

pressreleases@upi.com ; investigations_desk@upi.com ; public_relations@prnewswire.com ;information@prnewswire.com

2020@abc.com ; thisweek@abc.com ; jeffrey.schneider@abc.com ; jim.murphy@abc.com ; tom.cibrowski@abc.com ; barbara.walters@abc.com ;
charles.gibson@abc.com ; dee.w.carden@abc.com ; david.reiter@abc.com ; roger.h.sergel@abc.com ; clement.f.lane@abc.com ; howard.d.schoenholtz@abc.com ; anita.j.krichmar@abc.com ; andrew.e.fies@abc.com ; ariane.devogue@abc.com ; jack.v.date@abc.com ; james.e.hill@abc.com ; kirk.fernandes@abc.com ; matt.a.hosford@abc.com ; sandy.nunez@abc.com ; barbara.pinto@abc.com ; brian.rooney@abc.com ; lisa.fletcher@abc.com ; miguel.marquez@abc.com ; michel.martin@abc.com ; mike.lee@abc.com ; juju.chang@abc.com ; david.feinberg@abc.com ; jonathan.m.newman@abc.com ; joyce.a.alcantara@abc.com ; robert.garcia@abc.com ; matt.s.siegelheim@abc.com ; diane.sawyer@abc.com ; kate.snow@abc.com ; chris.cuomo@email.disney.com ; sam.donaldson@abc.com ;
steve.jones@abc.com ; bob.brown@abc.com ; deborah.roberts@abc.com ; karen.chase@abc.com ; victor.ratner@abc.com ; jim.avila@abc.com ; bill.blakemore@abc.com ; erin.hayes@abc.com ; jonathan.karl@abc.com ; robert.krulwich@abc.com ; ned.potter@abc.com ; robin.roberts@abc.com ;
jay.schadler@abc.com ; lisa.stark@abc.com ; betsy.stark@abc.com ; george.stephanopoulos@abc.com ; jake.tapper@abc.com ; pierre.thomas@abc.com ;
david.wright@abc.com ; mimi.gurbst@abc.com ; muriel.pearson@abc.com ; stu.schutzman@abc.com ; david.chalian@abc.com ; teddy.davis@abc.com ;
joan.p.maltese@abc.com ; wayne.fisk@abc.com

evening@cbsnews.com ; sundays@cbsnews.com ; scams@cbsnews.com ; caputot@cbsnews.com ; jafrazee@cbs.com ; 60m@cbsnews.com ; SS3@cbsnews.com ; jm1@cbsnews.com ; 48hours@cbsnews.com ; efm@cbsnews.com ; pma@cbsnews.com ; grain@cbsnews.com ; pls@cbsnews.com ; cka@cbsnews.com ; bjd@cbsnews.com ; ijs@cbsnews.com ; cas@cbsnews.com ; wyatt.andrews@cbsnews.com

letters@time.com ; alan_abrams@timemagazine.com ; jeremy_caplan@timemagazine.com ; john_cloud@timemagazine.com ; wendy_cole@timemagazine.com ; simon_crittle@timemagazine.com ; lisa_cullen@timemagazine.com ; christopher_porterfield@timemagazine.com ; greg_fulton@timemagazine.com ; julie_rawe@timemagazine.com ; lev_grossman@timemagazine.com ; unmesh_kher@timemagazine.com ; lisa_mclaughlin@timemagazine.com ; janice_simpson@timemagazine.com ; sora_song@timemagazine.com ; stephen_koepp@timemagazine.com ; nadia_mustafa@timemagazine.com ; sonja_steptoe@timemagazine.com ; jyoti_thottam@timemagazine.com ;

shorsley@npr.org ; rharris@npr.org ; jludden@npr.org ; vgrosvenor@npr.org ; cflintoff@npr.org ; rchristgau@npr.org ; kklose@npr.org; jspeer@npr.org ; dpinkwater@npr.org; acodrescu@npr.org ; mblock@npr.org ; gkeillor@npr.org ; thanssen@npr.org ; madler@npr.org ; lsydell@npr.org

geraldine.baum@latimes.com ; paul.lieberman@latimes.com ; thomas.mulligan@latimes.com

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American Honda Finance ....BEWARE!!! Irving texas

mansfield, Texas

Ripoff Report Verified Safe
In Feb 2008, I purchased a Honda Civic '09. Soon there after, I became ill, and had to miss a lot of work. I called Honda and informed them of my situation in October of '08 to see if they would work with my on payment options, or to see if I could refinance my car to 60 mos vs the 48....any payment arrangement at all.

The honda rep I had was very similar to others that I have read about. He was rude to me, not willing to work out any repayment plan, and eventually hung up on me. I called back and gave my story to his supervisor. His supervisor was not any better. I was told that even with the hard times that America is going through, Honda is not. According to them, they are selling more cars than ever....and they are not required to work out any arrangement nor is that something that they do. Both associates were rude and hateful, lecturing me on my hard financial times.

I was devastated by the way I was treated. I hope that someday the people that Honda employs get a good dose of what they dish out.

I paid my back dated payments, but was robbing Peter to pay Paul, and eventually ended up behind again. My parent's came to try to refinance the car....because they have perfect credit. Honda would not work with them on that either, so I voluntarily surrendered the car.

I take full responsibility for my part in this, but I will never buy from Honda again. They are not for Americans at all. I have semigood credit....but fell on hardtimes. That meant nothing to Honda. I urge anyone considering buying from Honda to think hard about it. I am not the only one with this story. Life does happen and Honda doesn't make any exceptions for that.

mansfield, Texas

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American Honda Finance charged with discrimination


American Honda Finance charged with discrimination

2006 Honda Accord photographed in USA.Image via Wikipedia


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American Honda Finance

American Honda Finance Corporation
Phone: 800-9169939
Fax: PO Box 7829
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 09101

Submitted: Saturday, April 29, 2006
Modified: Sunday, April 30, 2006
jc, New Jersey

Ripoff Report Verified Safe
I leased a car from American Honda Finance and the car went into default on both insurance and two car payments. I called them up to discuss my account balance, and the penalties for having the car repossessed. I got into a heated debate with my representative, and I was told that I could not afford the car(among other unprofessional things) and it would be repossessed as soon as possible because i was already defaulted.

I asked to speak to the supervisor of my representative, instead of connecting me to her supervisor, the rep hung up on me. I called right back, and got a different representative. I wanted to speak to a supervisor, as I was very upset. The new rep was VERY nice and he informed me that he would give me 24 hours to pay the money i owed and insure the vehicle. I did both within the time frame. However, the first rep I had went on and had my car repossessed anyway, one day after I had paid the defaulted amount and insured the car, both in full.

The repossession man told me that he had been informed 4 hours prior to come and repossess the car, that the order had just been put in. He also let me know that repossession men have 24 hours to find a vehicle to get paid. So I know that the rep had the car repossessed out of anger, because the car was no longer in default by the time the order for repossession went in and by the time repo man came to get the car, and he told me that he had JUST recieved the order.

The car went to auction about 45 days later (April 13th), I was NOT informed of this in ANY way, by mail or by telephone. I am 100% in the dark about the status of ANY happenings with the vehicle once it was repossessed. I called up Honda to check the status of my account and was briefly told this by a representative, who said that the information was mailed to me on the 23rd of April. To date, I still have not heard from Honda concerning this car.

I was also told that the loan amount I had was for 16,000.00 (for a lease. The car is worth 16,000.00 exactly). I paid off 5,000.00 worth of payments, so my loan was then about 12,000.00 (1,000 or so went to interest). the car sold for 10,900.00 at the auction. I was told by the representative BEFORE my car was repoed that I owed the DIFFERENCE between my current loan amount, the amount the vehicle sold for, and any fees.

I believe that I owe no more than 2,000.00 to 3,000.00 for this car, as it sold for 10,900.00. They are saying that I owe them 8,000.00, but they have not provided an explination. Honda has horrible customer service, and their leases are RIPOFFS. I leased this car without any knowledge of what I was signing (typical of scheming car salesmen and uneducated consumers).

I am taking responsibility for me defaulting and even signing such a ripoff lease agreement, however I would like for other people to know that Honda leases are a big scheme to make more money. I leased a 2005 Civic for 16,000.00 over 4 years. The price of the car was 15,900.00! So in all actuality, I would have brought the car, but still had to return it after the 4 year lease was up. Then they said after i invested the 16,000.00, I could have purchased it for an additional 8,000.00 (The estimated value of the car in 4 years)! That is 24,000.00 for a 15,900.00 car!

What a huge ripoff! I suggest that anyone getting into a lease NOT do it, ESPECIALLY WITH AMERICAN HONDA FINANCE. It's a HUGE waste of money and a HUGE ripoff. They have horrible, unprofessionalm uncourteous service. Better late than never to learn this lesson, but I am trying to save someone else the drama and financial stress! I am taking Honda to court for a number of reasons. I'm not sure if I will win or not, but it's worth a try.

This company has HORRIBLE service, the only thing going for them is their cars. I would rather get a less desirable/dependable car and a rep that has excellent people skills than a great car and a customer service rep that tells me I cannot afford "her" product so she suggests that I just let her take "her" car back.

jc, New Jersey

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American Honda Finance


American Honda Finance


American Honda Finance


It seems they are now making a name for themselves all over America.

Another note from a former Honda advocate, and when I say advocate, I was a true disciple.

Before the economy went bad I had thought about buying the new, new all new Accord, but I found this car to be something other than what I had come to love about Honda's.
Quite frankly, it is a CHEAP car. To check this for yourself, go and find a 2006 Accord EX, get inside, close the door, feels very, very solid.
Now, go where they sell new Honda's, note, some of the most dishonest dealers in America, anyway, get inside the new Accord, slam the door....notice, a pure cheap plastic clap? THIS is the new HONDA.

Hey, things do change as the old guard goes so goes the soul of what made a company.
Take for instance, Wal Mart, when Sam was alive, the company TRULY cared for their people, my wife worked there for years, the profit sharing was out of this world, and health care? You could get it with no problems.

Now? Well just check the headlines, with Sam gone, it is just a cold heartless beast.

American Honda? Well, in my humble opinion, they have joined the ranks!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

American Honda Finance Repost

2008 Honda AccordImage by LightChaser: Luis Cruz via Flickr

Recently a close friend of ours and an avowed Honda buyer had an experience with the Honda finance division that has now turned a long time buyer of the brand in to an extreme enemy of the company and even, God forbid, a true blue buy American advocate.
I will let him tell his story.
"I remember my first experience with Honda very well, my mother was in search of a new car and came to me for suggestions, it was 1991. I mentioned that I had heard great things about the new Honda Accord and that she should drive one. So we headed to the local Honda dealer and she drove a Maroon Honda Accord EX, it was AMAZING! That car would later become mine as my mom bought many more Accords as the years went buy. I recently sold that car for 2500.00 dollars and it had over 3 hundred and sixty thousand miles on it!! What a great car.
My wife and I also bought 3 more Honda's, a 2001 Accord with over 140 thousand miles on it with only standard maintenance being needed. When the new 2006 Accords hit the street I went and drove one, fell in love! What a monster car, a four cylinder that performed like it had 8 and the wonderful workmanship that everyone expects, I told everyone to buy one.
I put 3500 down and took it home.
For the next two years I believe we were always ahead on the payment, and in the past with Honda finance we always paid on time. Then the economy went sour, I own a small business, so I tried my best to keep those who worked with us on the payroll.
Still, my Honda payment was made, then it was like someone turned the lights out, everything stopped, those who owed us money held on to it longer and customers just stopped ordering, it was about this time that my payments on the Honda got behind.
I was trying to keep the business going and keep our home, but now, ALL sources of money dried up, NO ONE was loaning anything, in the past, it would have been just a simple phone call to get help, but I found that those days were over. I had to let my employee's go, and the house was close.
Then the calls started coming from Honda, understandable, business is business, but the tone of those calls was very unexpected. There was NO consideration for past loyalty or payment history, NO help was even offered as I had heard they had done with others. On one occasion they sent someone to my home who pushed there way into my house and said you have to call Honda now, I let the person know at Honda that I had a house note to pay as well, could I make one payment and keep working to catch up? The answer? An emphatic NO, they had to have as much as I could pay or they were taking the car, without the car I could not go to the meetings where I would make the money to keep my house and the home for two little girls, so I paid them.
It seems like just a day later they were back on the phone demanding more.
On one recent call the woman from the Atlanta office called and was VERY abusive and she noted that I need to pay ALL that was due or turn the car back in, NO options were offered, the call had an odd racist tone, but most importantly, NO options were offered.

Now? We are out of a home, and Honda had the car picked up, there agent came on to private property to get the car, not MY property. It did not seem to bother the guy that he was trespassing.
Well, if this is the new Honda, I am done, and where I supported and encouraged EVERYONE to buy a Honda, now I plan to tell millions NOT to, the company made its name buy building the best products in the world we all new they truly cared.
The fact that the spirit of the company has changed means in my mind the quality of the brand will no doubt suffer greatly, they no longer care, that will be reflected in their products and services.

As I mentioned to Darla, and Nanna those two who were in charge of the account, and then to Mr. Lee Arnold this will become a defining moment in their careers, good are bad. Heck, it will most likely get them all promoted.

Stay tuned, one new blog per. day until the web is full.

Posted by The Student at 7:06 AM 0 comments
Labels: america honda finance, honda
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WASHINGTON, D.C. - JANUARY 20:  Patricia Brown...Image by Getty Images via Daylife

Phone: 866-323-4999
NORCROSS,, Georgia 30010-6200

Submitted: Sunday, April 01, 2007
Modified: Sunday, April 01, 2007
walterboro, South Carolina

Ripoff Report Verified Safe
american honda finance took my car from me when i eas paying the monthly payment. they lost the payment and asked me to send them another payment so i did and i asked them to find the other payment and they would not. so they have destroyed my credit because of this. so i want my money and my credit back and the better bussiness bureau told me that they do not have a good standing with them because of issues of this nature.please help me i have look around for help and have not received any at all.

walterboro, South Carolina

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American Honda Finance Corporation

8 Suites in Cleveland OH 44110

Report: American Honda Finance Corporation
Category: Corrupt Companies

American Honda Finance Corporation Refuse to work with me Elgin Illinois

American Honda Finance Corporation
Fax: Elgin, IL
Cleveland, Ohio 44129

Submitted: Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Modified: Tuesday, April 29, 2008
cleveland, Ohio

Ripoff Report Verified Safe
I have been trying to get help from Honda since July 07. I had some medical issues which put me off work for about 8-10 weeks. I contacted Honda like I said back in July of 07, and asked for an extension. I was told Honda do not help people like me, they only help customers who pay on time.

Now they are complaining because I have only been able to make my payments a month behind, and are saying they are tired of this behavior on my part. They complain that for the past 11 month, I have been late on my payments, but this could have been avoided if they would have just offered to work with me in the beginning. I don't know what else to do, beside file Chapter 13 just to keep them off my back until I can finally catch up.

Any help on this issue would be appreciated. Thanks

cleveland, Ohio

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American Honda Finance

Report: American Honda Finance
Category: Auto Dealers

American Honda Finance Sold car with bad engine then repossesed while paying payments Hickory North Carolina
*UPDATE Employee:... Honda finance didnt sell you that car
American Honda Finance
Fax: www.honda.com
Hickory, North Carolina 28601

Submitted: Saturday, September 27, 2008
Modified: Sunday, September 28, 2008
Newton, North Carolina

Ripoff Report Verified Safe
I financed a car through American Honda Finance at Honda Cars of Hickory. The woman selling me the car had already advised me not to buy other cars on their used lot because she knew I would be driving back and forth from NC to TX b/c my husband was stationed there in the military. The used car manager showed me a 2000 Honda Passport that wouldn't even start, saying it needed a new switch. My husband was not with me at the time of purchase, but after they had fixed it, I signed for the car.

Two days later, I had to bring it back in because the engine had been acting up. Thankfully I had bought GAP insurance, which covered bumper to bumper, so Honda had to fix the vehicle. Not even 2 weeks later, the car through a ROD through the block and they had to replace the entire engine. I don't see how someone could sell me a car with that many problems occuring that soon without having knowledge of them!

Now, about American Honda Finance...Throughout the time we had the vehicle, we were late a couple of times because I was having problems in my pregnancy and had to quit my job. One day my car was just gone! I had no notice that it would be repossesed. No one called asking where payments were and that they hadn't recieved them. They hadn't cashed 3 months worth of payments and then the day after they cashed 2 of them. I put a stop-check on the last one so they couldn't cash it. I called and demanded the money back. They sent it.

After a few months I had a collection agency starting to call multiple times a day badgering me to pay the amount still owed. They had sold the car at an auction for 10,000 less than what we owed - 16,000 (because it was a piece of crap). They were giving me time limits (my husband was deployed at the time, so he could not help me in talking to them) to pay the total amount saying I had to have the money by 5pm that evening & when I called back & said I didn't have it, they said ok, call again Monday & we'll see how much progress you've maid in finding the amount.

North Carolina law, from what I've researched, says you have to notify the prior owner of the car before you sell at an auction, giving them a chance to buy the car back...I heard nothing, until afterwards. I finally told the people to leave me alone and let it go on our credit. They were calling me, my father-in-law, and mother-in-law and telling each of us that the other was saying things we werent to try & cause problems.

About a year later, American Honda had sold the account to another collections agency who was willing to settle for half the amount owed. My husband and I paid the repossession off - $5,000. I believe Honda took advantage of a young girl in selling me a bad car & American Honda Finance repossesed my car unrightfully & unlawfully!

Newton, North Carolina

American Honda Finance Corp

Report: American Honda Finance Corp.
Category: Car Financing

American Honda Finance Corp. Repo'd car, Harrassing phone calls, etc. Charlotte Ohio

American Honda Finance Corp.
Phone: 800-517-9699
Fax: hondafinancialservices.com/
Charlotte, Ohio

Submitted: Friday, October 10, 2008
Modified: Friday, October 10, 2008
Rich Creek, Virginia

Ripoff Report Verified Safe
First let me start off by saying if you are planning to buy any Honda in the near future please god do not go with AHFC as your financing company.

These people are living nightmares...at first it was the first months payment being a day later and them throwing the loan into default, then it was letter's almost weekly stating a different balance owed each month.

Then it started getting serious with them calling me, or my grandparents or my fiancee stating something different each time. Or them cursing at us when they called and really just down right being threatening.

It came to a boiling point when this past sunday night they sent repo men to my grandparent's house, almost kicking in the front door looking for a car that even a blind person could see wasn't there. This is after I had sent them in a check written for over a grand, with them saying they were returning the check since it wasn't in the right amount.

They stilled cashed the check on the same day as them repo'ing the car, and so we are officially out of a car and in the hole for a grand because of AHFC. Is this all fair or what?

Rich Creek, Virginia

American Honda Finance And Bosak Honda

Report: American Honda Finance And Bosak Honda
Category: Credit Services

American Honda Finance And Bosak Honda bosak honda without showing me the credid report and also without down payment and also telling me the finance charges shoud be 6% has charged 8.8% which is wrong the car has been retuned after 3 weeks and they will not take the car back as there is no down payment and also my credit through credie agency was not elligible for second car financing they just rush it contract is not valid without do City Of Industry California

Rebuttal Box
Respond to this report!
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What's This?Are you an owner, employee or ex-employee with either negative or positive information about the company or individual, or can you provide "insider information" on this company?

Victim of this person/company?
What's This?
What's This?Are you also a victim of the same company or individual? Want Justice? File a Rip-off Report, help other consumers to be educated and don't let them get away with it!

American Honda Finance And Bosak Honda
Phone: 800-5426632
Fax: P O Box 60001 City City Of Industiry Ca Zip 917160001
City Of Industry, California 91716 0001

Submitted: Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Modified: Wednesday, December 10, 2008
darien, Illinois

Ripoff Report Verified Safe
the american honda financed me without doing the following

1.they did not show me the credit reprot
2 bosak honda the dealers tried chase bank for approval and i did not qualify for the loan as my limit was over
3.they financed with american honda as they knew i had a cummitment with them.
4 the down payment was not put down and gave me the delivery which was wrong
5.bosak honda never showed me the credit report from american honda finance as my credit full i do not have any more credit to qualify for the loan
6.i had no choice to take the car back as i do not want to take responsibilities
for the second car
they are insisting that i should take the car back
7 i can not afford the new car
8.please make a not that they are not compramising with me

darien, Illinois

American Honda Finance Corporation

American Honda Finance Corporation unethical repossession City Of Industry California
*Consumer Comment:... More

American Honda Finance Corporation
Phone: 800-4451358
Fax: P.O. Box 60001
City Of Industry, California 91716-0001

Submitted: Thursday, June 25, 2009
Modified: Thursday, June 25, 2009
san diego, California

Ripoff Report Verified Safe
I bought a brand new 2006 honda accord se in 2006 for 35,000. I owe 17,000 left on it. My car was repossessed. I was a payment and a half behind. I payed 300 dollars the prior month because I was waiting for next paycheck to come in to pay the 700 dollars I owed. My payments are 500 a month.

I recently found out I am pregnant. I have been extremelly ill. I have proof I was in the emergency room for sickness and swollen and rash on face due to pregnancy. I have been so sick I had to quit one job and call in for three weeks straight to my second job. I was so ill infact that I could barely get up to go to the bathroom.

My husband is in the military and underway so I was home alone extremelly ill, throwing up all day. I could not even keep water down. Because I was so sick I was unable to go to work until my husband came home from being underway to take me to work to pick up my paycheck. I was not going to put myself or others in danger of me being behind a wheel with the potential to pass out from being so ill.

Finally, my husband came home and was going to take me the next day to work to get my check so I could pay my car payment. When we went out to the car it was gone. I called honda and explained the situation to the representative (I'm not sure if I can mention her name). I told her that I had the entire amount for the month prior and the half of the other month plus I had just received my taxes so I had next months payment too plus fees.

I had about 1,500 in cash. I told her I would go get my check and pay the full amount in cash right that day. She told me no. She said it was my fault I was sick and that I didnt answer the phone when they called and that even with evidence of going into the e-r and being sick from work I wasnt getting my car back. She was extremelly rude and condesending. She was so rude in fact she made me cry and told me "don't overreact and stop using your unborn child as an excuse."

So even though I had the full amount I owed plus the next month she still was not going to release my car back to me. I also have an after market navigation system and dvd player that she says I am not allowed to get back. Because I have no vehicle I have been forced to quit my second job and school and lost my apartment because my husband is going on deployment for six months and I am pregnant and now live with my inlaws all because one person is allowed to take away my vehicle even though I had the full amount that day in cash. And when I asked to speak to a supervisor she said " we don't have supervisors, I am who this ends with." You'd think with the auto market the way it is...they would give me my car back if I have the money.

I even told her that I would sign a contract that if I was ever late again she could have everything I owned, my furniture and everything. They don't care. It's called karma. God can see what people do to others. And she doesnt care about the domino effect of me losing my job, school, my apartment, and being pregnant living with my inlaws while my husband is risking his life defending the very country full of people honda is screwing over.

san diego, California

American Honda Finance

Recently a close friend of ours and an avowed Honda buyer had an experience with the Honda finance division that has now turned a long time buyer of the brand in to an extreme enemy of the company and even, God forbid, a true blue buy American advocate.
I will let him tell his story.
"I remember my first experience with Honda very well, my mother was in search of a new car and came to me for suggestions, it was 1991. I mentioned that I had heard great things about the new Honda Accord and that she should drive one. So we headed to the local Honda dealer and she drove a Maroon Honda Accord EX, it was AMAZING! That car would later become mine as my mom bought many more Accords as the years went buy. I recently sold that car for 2500.00 dollars and it had over 3 hundred and sixty thousand miles on it!! What a great car.
My wife and I also bought 3 more Honda's, a 2001 Accord with over 140 thousand miles on it with only standard maintenance being needed. When the new 2006 Accords hit the street I went and drove one, fell in love! What a monster car, a four cylinder that performed like it had 8 and the wonderful workmanship that everyone expects, I told everyone to buy one.
I put 3500 down and took it home.
For the next two years I believe we were always ahead on the payment, and in the past with Honda finance we always paid on time. Then the economy went sour, I own a small business, so I tried my best to keep those who worked with us on the payroll.
Still, my Honda payment was made, then it was like someone turned the lights out, everything stopped, those who owed us money held on to it longer and customers just stopped ordering, it was about this time that my payments on the Honda got behind.
I was trying to keep the business going and keep our home, but now, ALL sources of money dried up, NO ONE was loaning anything, in the past, it would have been just a simple phone call to get help, but I found that those days were over. I had to let my employee's go, and the house was close.
Then the calls started coming from Honda, understandable, business is business, but the tone of those calls was very unexpected. There was NO consideration for past loyalty or payment history, NO help was even offered as I had heard they had done with others. On one occasion they sent someone to my home who pushed there way into my house and said you have to call Honda now, I let the person know at Honda that I had a house note to pay as well, could I make one payment and keep working to catch up? The answer? An emphatic NO, they had to have as much as I could pay or they were taking the car, without the car I could not go to the meetings where I would make the money to keep my house and the home for two little girls, so I paid them.
It seems like just a day later they were back on the phone demanding more.
On one recent call the woman from the Atlanta office called and was VERY abusive and she noted that I need to pay ALL that was due or turn the car back in, NO options were offered, the call had an odd racist tone, but most importantly, NO options were offered.

Now? We are out of a home, and Honda had the car picked up, there agent came on to private property to get the car, not MY property. It did not seem to bother the guy that he was trespassing.
Well, if this is the new Honda, I am done, and where I supported and encouraged EVERYONE to buy a Honda, now I plan to tell millions NOT to, the company made its name buy building the best products in the world we all new they truly cared.
The fact that the spirit of the company has changed means in my mind the quality of the brand will no doubt suffer greatly, they no longer care, that will be reflected in their products and services.

I plan to name EVERY person in the Atlanta office, so stay tuned. I also intend to post this on EVERY blog in the world.